Ensemble Of Naval Officer’s Artifacts Belonging To At Least 2 - 3 Prominent Mexican War To Civil War Commanders
. Recently discovered ensemble of Naval officer’s artifacts belonging to at least 2 - 3 prominent Mexican war to civil war commanders.
Midshipmen's style wood chest stenciled on top “ T. ABBOT USN WARREN RHODE ISLAND” approximately 15 inches height by 25 inches wide and 15 inches deep. Fair to good condition normal damage, age and losses.
Steel engraving of Naval officers with inset signature in pen Joel Abbot. Approximately 8 inches by width 5 inches height not including vintage frame.
Fine and fancy mid 19th century officers chapeau made of beaver with fancy gilt brass eagle. Original cardboard box with makers label. A newspaper article inside hat box recants the story of Robert N. Turner of Bristol Rhode Island capturing a confederate blockade runner during the civil war.
Pair of Naval officers epaulets with eagle and fouled anchor along with oak leafs denoting Lieutenant Commander rank. Very good to near fine condition with Japaned tin box.
Naval officers sword circa 1850 - 1860’s with U.S.N. in guard and dolphin. Blade is dark and aged but Navy visible in etching. Scabbard repaired or recovered with leather, 50% plus original gold gilt and uncleaned. Good overall for its age.
Rosewood boot jack for leather officers type boots. High quality. Very good plus condition.
Sweet heart or wives photo in fancy gilt brass frame. Butler (photographer) Fulton street Brooklyn, New York. Approximately 6 inches by 4 ¼ inches image only. Fair to poor condition. Damaged.
The seven listed items were sold at a storage auction in Orange County, California recently. How they relate to each other is unknown other than they seem to all have originated in Warren or Bristol, Rhode Island only about 5 miles apart and both are known for shipping and as Naval ports in the 18th and 19th centuries. This interesting group should be further researched to see if the Turner and Abbot family’s were friends or if they served in the military together. The possibility exists they were related through marriage. As a lot only $3800.
. Recently discovered ensemble of Naval officer’s artifacts belonging to at least 2 - 3 prominent Mexican war to civil war commanders.
Midshipmen's style wood chest stenciled on top “ T. ABBOT USN WARREN RHODE ISLAND” approximately 15 inches height by 25 inches wide and 15 inches deep. Fair to good condition normal damage, age and losses.
Steel engraving of Naval officers with inset signature in pen Joel Abbot. Approximately 8 inches by width 5 inches height not including vintage frame.
Fine and fancy mid 19th century officers chapeau made of beaver with fancy gilt brass eagle. Original cardboard box with makers label. A newspaper article inside hat box recants the story of Robert N. Turner of Bristol Rhode Island capturing a confederate blockade runner during the civil war.
Pair of Naval officers epaulets with eagle and fouled anchor along with oak leafs denoting Lieutenant Commander rank. Very good to near fine condition with Japaned tin box.
Naval officers sword circa 1850 - 1860’s with U.S.N. in guard and dolphin. Blade is dark and aged but Navy visible in etching. Scabbard repaired or recovered with leather, 50% plus original gold gilt and uncleaned. Good overall for its age.
Rosewood boot jack for leather officers type boots. High quality. Very good plus condition.
Sweet heart or wives photo in fancy gilt brass frame. Butler (photographer) Fulton street Brooklyn, New York. Approximately 6 inches by 4 ¼ inches image only. Fair to poor condition. Damaged.
The seven listed items were sold at a storage auction in Orange County, California recently. How they relate to each other is unknown other than they seem to all have originated in Warren or Bristol, Rhode Island only about 5 miles apart and both are known for shipping and as Naval ports in the 18th and 19th centuries. This interesting group should be further researched to see if the Turner and Abbot family’s were friends or if they served in the military together. The possibility exists they were related through marriage. As a lot only $3800.
. Recently discovered ensemble of Naval officer’s artifacts belonging to at least 2 - 3 prominent Mexican war to civil war commanders.
Midshipmen's style wood chest stenciled on top “ T. ABBOT USN WARREN RHODE ISLAND” approximately 15 inches height by 25 inches wide and 15 inches deep. Fair to good condition normal damage, age and losses.
Steel engraving of Naval officers with inset signature in pen Joel Abbot. Approximately 8 inches by width 5 inches height not including vintage frame.
Fine and fancy mid 19th century officers chapeau made of beaver with fancy gilt brass eagle. Original cardboard box with makers label. A newspaper article inside hat box recants the story of Robert N. Turner of Bristol Rhode Island capturing a confederate blockade runner during the civil war.
Pair of Naval officers epaulets with eagle and fouled anchor along with oak leafs denoting Lieutenant Commander rank. Very good to near fine condition with Japaned tin box.
Naval officers sword circa 1850 - 1860’s with U.S.N. in guard and dolphin. Blade is dark and aged but Navy visible in etching. Scabbard repaired or recovered with leather, 50% plus original gold gilt and uncleaned. Good overall for its age.
Rosewood boot jack for leather officers type boots. High quality. Very good plus condition.
Sweet heart or wives photo in fancy gilt brass frame. Butler (photographer) Fulton street Brooklyn, New York. Approximately 6 inches by 4 ¼ inches image only. Fair to poor condition. Damaged.
The seven listed items were sold at a storage auction in Orange County, California recently. How they relate to each other is unknown other than they seem to all have originated in Warren or Bristol, Rhode Island only about 5 miles apart and both are known for shipping and as Naval ports in the 18th and 19th centuries. This interesting group should be further researched to see if the Turner and Abbot family’s were friends or if they served in the military together. The possibility exists they were related through marriage. As a lot only $3800.