Here’s to the laughter, the adventures, and the unforgettable moments shared with these amazing friends. Each photo captures a story and a memory of our collecting journey travelled with the far west arms collectors association during 1990 to the early 2000’s.
Lets do it again !
Several really old collector friends (Anybody older than my age of 70) have empowered Little John to raise the far west arms collectors flag again.
send us your email and phone number.
informal meetings planned for the following collectors events.
Costa mesa gun show
Thanksgiving weekend at orange county fair grounds Nov 30 - Dec 1st Look for Reata pass auctions sign and booth.
Las vegas antique arms show
January 24th - January 25th
Look for Little johns booth inside Near the front of the show.
Award winners for 1st Far West Arms Collectors Show. Note: Man with Castro style communist beard is my old friend Jerry Klas. Who boasted 5,000 Smith and Wesson's revolvers. (Who cares other than really old farts and dead people???)
Board meeting at Saddleback Inn Far West Arms Collectors Association
Well known historian Mike Shotwell
Jerry Anderson (Mr. Winchester) tends bar at Far West Meeting Saddleback Inn. Santa Ana, California
3 Amigos AKA- Left: Dave Garman (Sweet Lips) Center: John L. (Big John Gangel) Right: Peter Oppenhuizen (Wheels)
John Robinson (Left front) "On duty suit" John Gangel (Center) His Hawaii look "Bob" Sulley (Right front) Gun engraver
Al (Cabby) Goldberg
Dean Alderdice (Two beers from a fight)
Moe Gronsky - Naval Officer - Little John's 1st partner.
"Machine gun Moe Gronsky" Little Johns 1st partner in Musket and Sabre Antique Arms Costa Mesa, California 1968 - 1971
Tucson Collector Dr. Richard Eddy and Gene Cahn
"Wheels" Oppenhuizen AKA Pete and his girlfriend
Paul Dorris (Left) Joe Musso (Center) Little John (Center right) at Colt Collectors Gun Show in Costa Mesa 1991
Nick Scollard and board member Ed Hall known as Mr. Efficient
John L. Gangel Aka Big John and D-Day hero sergeant Gene Herrick both cant hear shit. Both quoted as saying "We can't hear you, turn on the microphone!"
Little John and John Ewald at formation of Far West Collectors Association 1990 - 1991
Mike Kalman known as official drink taster for the club sampling another gallon of scotch while his guide and back up for prairie dog hunts begs him to stop
Roy Marcot (Left) Joe Musso (Center) Ed Cote (Right) known as Mr. I never sell anything closing a deal on the sale of 6 guns
River Maize with his baby Paterson and proud grandpa "Little John"