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Little John called his first auction in 1969 and has produced over 200 major firearm sales. Also, he has produced over 300 plus auctions of fine art, jewelry, Asian antiquities, European antiques, American Indian artifacts, automobiles, commercial liquidations, and others to numerous to list. Little John and Diana support several charities and are available on a selected basis.

Price info: Little John charges $5k/ day plus travel expenses and $400/ day per diem or 3% of the gross, whichever is greater. This is based on availability as he is “semi-retired” and may be fishing, hunting, telling stories, or enjoying his time with family.


Little John is available on an appointment basis for evaluations and appraisals. He is considered one of the nation’s top experts on firearms, edged weapons, and has experience in most fields of antiques.

C.V. see Little John.

Pricing info: $1.5k/ day plus expenses of $400/ day with 3 day minimum.


Little John has vast experience in buying at auction and has represented the nation’s of finest collectors of acquisition of arms and fine collectibles. Generally, he has been able to save collectors from disastrous bear traps from fraud and shill bidding situations. His charge is 5% on lots of purchases over $10k plus expenses.


Announcing the F. Theodore Dexter style commission arms sales service in honor of our old friend Dec we have reinstituted the sales of antique arms at a very small net on a commission sale basis. This fee is 10% on single items evaluated at $5,000 or more, 8% on single items valued at $10,000 to $50,000, 5% on items valued at $50,000+. Single items under $5,000 are charged 17.5%. These fees save the consignor considerable sums due to the fact that most auctions charge 15 - 30% buyers premium plus sales charges to the owner between 0 - 35% depending on evaluation. Also, added fees of between 2 - 5% for insurance photography, entry fee, transport, cartage, and storage are also often heaped on. Little John is selective and has 17,000+ buyers on his personal mailing list that were never sold which are eager and active buyers. Payments on sales will be made within 30 working days, generally between the 1st and 5th of every month. This is a simple, straightforward contract of sale that sets the price mutually agreed upon and pertinent details with insurance available at 1% of the evaluation.

The seller benefits from Little John's over 50 years experience and plus enumerable personal relationships with advanced collectors. References are available from the nation's most recognized collectors and the families he has represented.

P.S. Inquire about far west arms collectors reunion, See our photo gallery of a lifetime of friends and the useful lost and found section.